How to Repair the BMW FRM3 Module Using Launch X431 IMMO Plus and X-Prog3

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of repairing the BMW FRM3 module (footwell module) using the Launch X431 IMMO Plus. This tool now supports one-click repair for FRM modules, including the FRM3R module (9S12XEQ384 3M25J) used in BMW E87, E92, and E93 models.

Tools Required:

Step 1: Prepare the Connections

Ensure all your tools are connected properly:

  1. Solder the cable to the FRM3 module.
  2. Connect the cable to the X-Prog3 programmer, and then to the Launch X431 IMMO Plus.

Step 2: Read the Chip ID

Once the connections are set up, power on the system:

  1. Select “Read Chip ID” on the Launch X431 IMMO Plus.
  2. The ID should read successfully, confirming the connection is correct.

Step 3: Check the EEPROM Data

The FRM3 module often loses EEPROM data due to low or insufficient battery voltage. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Backup EEPROM Data” option.
  2. You’ll notice the partition shows as zero, indicating the EEPROM is empty and corrupted.

Step 4: Repair the EEPROM

Now it’s time to repair the corrupted EEPROM data:

  1. Click on the “Repair” function in the Launch X431 IMMO Plus.
  2. The tool will read the flash data and create a new EEPROM file automatically.

Step 5: Confirm the Repair

Once the repair is completed:

  1. Check the EEPROM data again. You should now see valid data populated in the EEPROM section.
  2. The FRM3 module is now repaired and should function correctly.


With the repair process complete, your BMW FRM3 module is now restored and operational. Using the Launch X431 IMMO Plus and X-Prog3 programmer, you’ve successfully repaired the module with minimal effort.

How to Connect the Launch X431 Pro Elite to X-Prog3

Q: The Launch X431 Pro Elite is said to be compatible with the X-Prog3 programmer. Do I need a DBScar VII to run X-Prog3 on the Launch X431 Pro Elite? How do I connect the Pro Elite to X-Prog3?

A: Yes, the Launch X431 Pro Elite is compatible with the X-Prog3 programmer and the IMMO software for key programming functions.

However, the Pro Elite/ProS Elite tablet does not use the DBScar VII Bluetooth adapter for X-Prog3, as it lacks the DBScar module. Instead, the connection is done directly through a USB interface.

How to Connect the Launch X431 Pro Elite/ProS Elite to X-Prog3:
1.USB to OBD Converter:
The X-Prog3 package includes a USB to OBD converter.
Connect one end of the converter to the tablet and the other end to the vehicle’s OBD port.

2.Direct USB Connection:
The Launch Pro Elite/ProS Elite also supports the Launch X431 Key Programmer Remote Maker. To use this, connect the key programmer to the tablet via its USB Type-C port.

By following these steps, you can successfully connect the X-Prog3 to your Launch X431 Pro Elite for key programming and other functions.

How to Bind Launch X431 TSGUN WAND with X431 Scanner

Launch X431 TSGUN WAND is a Bluetooth TPMS service tool which supports tire pressure sensor activation, reading, diagnosis, relearn and programming. It should work together with X431 scanner such as X431 V, X431 V+, X431 Pro, X431 Pro3, X431 Pro5, X431 Pro Mini, X431 PAD III, X431 PAD V,X431 PAD VII

What is in X431 TSGUN package?

  1. X431 TSGUN Wand;
  2. Charging Cable(for charging the X431 TSGUN);
  3. Password Envelope, a piece of paper with serial number(SN) and activation code, which is required when binding the X431 TSGUN to diagnostic tool;
  4. User Manual.

Function of the buttons display

How to bind X431 TSGUN with a diagnostic tool?

Turn on X431 diagnostic tool & TSGUN, press

TPMS >> Swipeleft, Next >> Bind >> Enter serial number(SN), password, Bind

(Note: please tear off the envelope seal to get SN & password.)

Press “Return” when the screen displays SN.

It will download the TPMS software automatically.

Follow the prompts to operate, just wait for Bluetooth pairing…

The X431 TSGUN will connect to the scanner automatically.

It will take some while for updating firmware…

Press “OK” when completed.

Bluetooth connection is successful.

Now you can start to do TPMS service.

for more informations, please visit following link

Whatsapp: +86 19947637411

OBDSTAR HandHeld Registration & Update Steps

Step 1:

● Remove the TF card from your device.

● Insert your TF card into computer.

Step 2:

● Login our website:, enter “service”-“Download”, and click “One Key upgrade”

Step 3:

● Download and install the “One Key upgrade”. You will see this software.

Step 4:

● Power on the device and you will see the following messages.

Step 5:

● Enter the menu “About“:

Step 6:

● Get the S/N and the Register PASSWORD:

Step 7:

● Open the “one key upgrade’, Choose- sign up , Fill the related information, then click ‘Register’, then registeration finished.
registration and update steps

registration and update steps
Upgrade Steps:

Step 1:

● Open the “one key upgrade’, 

 Input your username and password. Then select “End User” and click “Log in”
registration and update steps

Step 2:

● Enter your S/N
registration and update steps

Step 3:

●Select all and click upgrade.
registration and update steps
registration and update steps
registration and update steps
Step 4:

● Upgrade is completed.
registration and update steps

Step 5:

● Open your TF card. You will see these files.
registration and update steps

Step 6:

● Remove the TF card from the computer. Insert your TF card into the device.

Update succeeds!

X431 Pro3 ACE vs X431 Pro3 V5.0 vs X431 PRO3S+ V5.0 vs X431 PRO3 APEX vx X431 PRO TT vs X431 PRO DYNO

X431 Pro3 ACE vs X431 Pro3 V5.0 vs X431 PRO3S+ V5.0 vs X431 PRO3 APEX vx X431 PRO TT vs X431 PRO DYNO

We received a request from one of our customers. SO here we make a comparison among these new Launch X431 tablets with DBscar VII adapter. 

In Sum:
Pro TT and Pro Dyno are 8 inch tablets, Pro3 ACE, Apex,Pro3 V5 and Pros3+ V5 are 10 inch tablets.
All of these come with DBScar VII Bluetooth connector .Support CAN FD and DOIP protocol(DOIP requires a DOIP cable)
They all cannot do online programming (no smartlink VCI)
Pro TT and Pro Dyno 8 inch tablet are not compatible with heavry duty modules
Pro TT and Pro Dyno do not support Topology Mapping and others .
The new Pro3 V5.0(aka V+ V5.0) now shares the same functions as Pro3s+ V5.0. Only appearance difference.

Autel IM508S – PCM Parameter Reset and Programming All Lost Keys for 2018 Ford F150

Autel IM508S – PCM Parameter Reset and Programming All Lost Keys for 2018 Ford F150

Today, we’ll show you how to use the Autel MaxiIM IM508S to perform a PCM parameter reset and program keys on a 2018 Ford F150 after all keys have been lost. You will need two new smart keys for this process.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

1.Connect the IM508S
Plug the IM508S tablet into the vehicle’s OBD port.

2.Access the IMMO System On the tablet:
IMMO >> Accept >> Ford >> Manual Selection
Ford >> USA >> F-150 >> 2018-2020 >> Smart Key
Select Yes when prompted for Smart Key
Navigate to ECU >> Parameter Reset [Fuel] >> Parameter – Reset

3.Turn on the Ignition

4.Autel IM508S Warning

You will receive a warning:
“Perform this procedure only if you have replaced the PCM or PATS on this vehicle.”
Press YES to continue.

5.Parameter Reset Process

The system will read data, please wait.
The instrument panel might go black during this function—this is normal.
After security access is granted (this takes 3-10 minutes), you’ll see a Learning Successful message.

6.Program New Keys

Navigate to:
Control Unit >> Keyless System “CAN” >> Learning Keys >> All Smart Keys Lost

Important Notes:

A network connection is required, so ensure the device is connected via WiFi.
Again, it’s normal for the instrument panel to turn black during this function.
This process will delete all previously learned smart keys.

7.Continue with Key Programming

Press OK to proceed.
If asked whether the alarm is active, select No.

8.System Configuration

The system will configure, taking approximately 10 minutes.
Select Yes if you want to delete all keys (you will need to program two keys afterward).
Select No if you just want to add keys without deleting the existing ones.

9.Delete and Program New Keys

If you choose to delete all keys:
The system will confirm Current number of keys: 0 after deletion.
Insert the first smart key into the designated slot (in the armrest compartment, cupholder, or glovebox).
The system will begin learning the key.

After the first key is learned:

The system will show Current number of keys: 1.
Remove the first key and insert the second smart key into the slot.
The system will learn the second key.
After learning is complete, the display will show Current number of keys: 2.

10.Finish Key Programming

Press NO to finish the process after learning both keys.

11.Test the Keys
Both keys should now work correctly.











This guide helps you successfully reset the PCM parameters and program new smart keys on a 2018 Ford F150 using the Autel IM508S.

How to Connect the Launch X431 Pro Elite to X-Prog3

How to Connect the Launch X431 Pro Elite to X-Prog3

Q: The Launch X431 Pro Elite is said to be compatible with the X-Prog3 programmer. Do I need a DBScar VII to run X-Prog3 on the Launch X431 Pro Elite? How do I connect the Pro Elite to X-Prog3?

A: Yes, the Launch X431 Pro Elite is compatible with the X-Prog3 programmer and the IMMO software for key programming functions.

However, the Pro Elite/ProS Elite tablet does not use the DBScar VII Bluetooth adapter for X-Prog3, as it lacks the DBScar module. Instead, the connection is done directly through a USB interface.

1.USB to OBD Converter:
The X-Prog3 package includes a USB to OBD converter.
Connect one end of the converter to the tablet and the other end to the vehicle’s OBD port.
2.Direct USB Connection:
The Launch Pro Elite/ProS Elite also supports the Launch X431 Key Programmer Remote Maker. To use this, connect the key programmer to the tablet via its USB Type-C port.







By following these steps, you can successfully connect the X-Prog3 to your Launch X431 Pro Elite for key programming and other functions.

Connection Methods for Launch X431 Diagnostic Tools

Connection Methods for Launch X431 Diagnostic Tools

Method 1: Connection for Launch X431 Pro5


Device: Launch X431 Pro5
Connection: Micro USB to tablet
Details: For older X431 Pro5 models using the Smartlink VCI, connect via a USB cable (Type A to Type B).
Note: An additional DoIP cable is required for this method.
Method 2: Connection for Launch X431 Pro3 LINK


Device: Launch X431 Pro3 LINK
Connection: Standard Link connection
Details: Uses the default connection setup provided with the device. Ensure all necessary cables are present.

Method 3: Connection for Launch PAD VIII V2 LINK


Device: Launch PAD VIII V2
Connection: Standard Link connection
Details: For models like the PAD VIII V2, no extra DoIP cable is required. The device supports built-in communication protocols.

Method 4: Connection for Launch X431 Pro3, ACE, and Pro3 APEX


Device: Launch X431 Pro3, ACE, Pro3 APEX
Connection: DBScar VII+ adapter cable
Details: This method applies to newer tablets equipped with the DBScar VII adapter.
Method 5: Connection for Launch X431 PAD III/PAD VIII V2
Device: Launch X431 PAD III, PAD VIII V2
Connection: Y-splitter cable to RJ45
Details: This method integrates the DoIP protocol using the PCS 4 system. No additional DoIP cable is required.
General Information:
DoIP (Diagnostics over Internet Protocol) uses Ethernet as the communication medium, offering high-speed vehicle diagnostics.
Supported by manufacturers like BMW, Jaguar, and Volvo.

Thinkcar Thinkdiag vs Thinkdiag 2

The most significant difference between thinkdiag and thinkdiag2 is CAN FD protocols. Thinkdiag2 has a built-in CAN FD protocol. It is the only product in this price range that is compatible with CAN-FD protocol and supports the latest GM vehicles manufactured after 2020. Adopts advanced CRC algorithms to accommodate more data from 8 to 64 bytes in the CAN frame, which runs faster than other products, and reduces the risk of undetected errors to enhance the user experience significantly.

thinkdiag vs thinkdiag2

thinkdiag vs thinkdiag 2

thinkdiag vs thinkdiag 2

thinkdiag vs thinkdiag 2

thinkdiag vs thinkdiag 2

Thinkdiag2 automotive OBD2 scanner is the only product in this price range that is compatible with CAN-FD protocol and supports the latest GM vehicles manufactured after 2020. Adopts advanced CRC algorithms to accommodate more data from 8 to 64 bytes in the CAN frame, which runs faster than other products and reduces the risk of undetected errors to greatly enhance the user experience.

Supports For C**t Onix 2020-2021 year
Supports For C**t Tracker 2020 year
Supports For C***t Suburban 2021 year
Supports For C***t Tahoe 2021 year
Supports For B**ck
Supports For C**illac Escalade 2021 year
Supports For C**illac Escalade 2021 year
Supports For G*C Yukon 2021 year
Supports For G*C Yukon XL 2021 year
Supports For Holden
Supports For DAEWOO
Supports For Alpheon
Supports For Ravon
Supports For Pontiac
Supports For Saturn
Supports For Hummer

2019 VW Magotan MQB Key Matching By X431 IMMO Plus or PAD/PAD VII

Function description: 2019 VW Magotan MQB key matching
Supported products: Launch X-431 IMMO Plus/PAD
Tested models: 2019 VW Magotan MQB, VIN: LFV3A23C6J32***

1.Take IMMO Pro as an example. Enter the VW immobilizer and choose [Anti-Theft Key Matching], as shown in Figure 1.


2.Choose [Key Learning], as shown in Figure 2.


3.Connect the X-431 PROGIII and the connector, and choose OK, as shown in Figure 3.


4.Choose [MQB Anti-theft System], as shown in Figure 4.


5.Choose [Platform Mode], as shown in Figure 5.


6.Choose [Dismantle and read anti-theft data], as shown in Figure 6.


7.Choose [View Wiring diagram], as shown in Figure 7.


8.Choose [D70F3529], as shown in Figure 8.


The chip model D70F3529 is on the back of the instrument, as shown in Figure 8-1.


9.Choose [Pin-up wiring diagram], as shown in Figure 9.


10.Use USB to connect the diagnostic connector and tablet device, connect according to the wiring diagram, and select OK, as shown in Figure 11.




11.After the wiring is successful, choose [Read Chip ID], as shown in Figure 12.


12. The chip ID is successfully read and the wiring is normal. Select OK, as shown in Figure 13.


13.Choose [Back Up Complete Data], as shown in Figure 14.


14. Reading the data…Please wait, as shown in Figure 15.


15. It will read FLASH and EEPROM data in turn, please wait, as shown in Figure 16.


16. After the data is read successfully, enter the name of the saved file and select OK, as shown in Figure 17 (the Chinese name is not supported for the time being).


17. Select the save path and select OK, as shown in Figure 18.


18. Confirm the save path and select OK, as shown in Figure 19.


19. Select [Flash&Eeprom Data Decryption], as shown in Figure 20.


20. Select the instrument data read before and select OK, as shown in Figure 21.


21. The parsing is successful. Record the CS code of the car and select Confirm, as shown in Figure 22.


22.Choose [Generate Dealer Key], as shown in Figure 23.


23. Put the original car key into the programmer and select OK, as shown in Figure 24.



24. The original car key is successfully read. Put in the blank key that needs to be matched and select OK, as shown in Figure 16.


25.Choose [VW], as shown in Figure 26.


26. The dealer key is successfully generated. Select OK, as shown in Figure 27.


27. After restoring the instrument, install it on the car, connect the device to the car, and choose [Learn Key], as shown in Figure 28.


28. Enter the number of keys to be learned and select OK, as shown in Figure 29.


29.The current key is a smart key. Select Yes, as shown in Figure 30.


30. Keep the key in the sensing area on the right side of the steering column and select OK, as shown in Figure 31.VW-Magotan-MQB-Key-Matching-34

31. The instrument displays 0-2 and enters the learning mode, as shown in Figure 32.


32. The first key is successfully learned, and the instrument displays 1-2, as shown in Figure 33.


33. After the first key is successfully learned, directly replace it with the second key and paste the second key on the sensing area, as shown in Figure 34.


34. The second key is successfully learned, and the instrument displays 2-2, as shown in Figure 35.


35. After the data is saved, the function is completed, as shown in Figure 36.
