Tag Archive | benz key programmer

Benz AK500 Key Programmer Smartkey.exe Problem Solutions

Here are the customer solutions to Mercedes Benz AK500 key programmer not running smartkey.exe problem. Hope it help if you are looking for the solution. YOU ARE AT YOUR RISK.


When I install software everything was work properly. After some time, I try open and write key, but not starting smartkey.exe or which can’t write nec I.C, just in this moment I hear a beep windows error sound… any ideas?

I install ak500 software on Windows XP SP3 without any anti virus program.

Customer solutions:

Solution 1:

The first attempt:
Still have problems with smartkey.exe

i installed it on win7 ultimate 64 bit and everything works as it should, but cann’t get it to work on xp sp3 32bit, installed the xp fresh and the ak500+ software when it starts doesn’t even search for the hardware.. but smartkey.exe when started from installatin folder works now.. The main window pops right up and only firmware update is availible. Drivers are correctly installed and in device manager is also everything ok, tried com 1, 2 and 3.. same

Second attempt:

I struggleed with this issue for a quite of time. Ok you can make a few things here. A forum member helped me to solve that. I had to use win xp SP2, and he sent me the software for ak500, not ak500+ !! The installation is different and when you install the ak500 software it adds some files wicj the ak500+ install didn’t. So after that smartkey.exe did work and when i started ak500+ also. So it was something missing in the install that i got with my device. BUT i figure it out that i need smartkey.exe ONLY for writeing the nec in the zif socket. But what i did not try and what sure has to work also without smartkey.exe was soldering the virginised nec on the key pcb and write the key via IR port !

So try that mate but the install of the old ak500 software should solve your issue.

(If you need the old AK500 software, please contact your dealer)

Solution 2:

Install fresh xpsp3 black edition, apply all patches of this xp, install ak500 software, install drivers and smartkey will work.

Solution 3:

All Ak400 and Ak500 software work, but

1. SmartKey program start only on IDE hdd, no any other work!
2. have problem with comport some time not found, this come after clear driver installation
3. for ak500 ESL 203 use any drive (local, usb) but Volume must be AK500


Program new key on MB w203 with AK500 key programmer

Step a) open eis if the mcu is hc07 familly then desolder the first one .
Step b) Put it in the ak500 holder , be carfull with the point of the chip .
Step c) Choose the correct mask in software for the mcu .
Step d) Read the mcu and save the file .
Step e) Open the skc and load the bin file that you read .
Step f) Choose the key number that you see free.
Step g) Solder the mcu back in eis .
Step i ) Write the key if is new by infarent holder .
Step k ) Put the key in eis and start the car

Customer Share with How to Operate the Original Xhorse VVDI Benz VVDI

Original Xhorse VVDI Benz VVDI MB TOOL Key Programmer Including BGA Calculation support BE key,read password and prepare new key via IR and support all Benz Keys, but dont support Benz Key Lost.


My Customer Share with you:

Q: I bought EIS W221 lock with a key from the lock from one machine. I have read the PSW. I will make a complete loss of W221 key in the future?
Describe step by step procedure
A: you have uesd/2nd-hand EIS with working key,you can do like this for W221 all key lost
1.read all key lost EIS data-> save EIS data
2.read used EIS data enter password,get erase password->renew used EIS.
3.load step1 EIS data to renewed EIS with password->write EIS data
4.load EIS data(with key password)->prepare key file
5.input new key to device IR reader->load key file->write
6.insert new key to EIS->EIS will learn the new key->key learn success

by the way,if your all key lost W221 is motorola EIS,not need to change EIS,remove eis get eeprom by programmer(VVDI PROG).
then load eeprom to VVDI MB TOOL prepare key file.
Q: I have a w204 All key lost and i program a new EIS with VVDI, the ignition doesn’t come on or crank, but the steering can lock and unlock. can someone guide me what to do?
A: about W204 all key lost(change new EIS),refer to following steps,maybe helpful:
1.Read EIS data via obd,then Save EIS data
2.adapt ESL:Read ESL data->Get Erase Password->Renew ESL
3.Change new EIS, Load EIS data(step1)->write Key Password(enter manually and at random)->Write EIS data
4.Personalize W204 ESL
5.Load EIS data(with Key Password)->Prepare Key File
6.Input new Key to device IR reader->Load Key file->write
7.Insert new Key to EIS->EIS will learn the new key->key learn success

If you have any good suggestion,hope you can share with us.