Digimaster 3 Function Menu

Digimaster 3 IMMO code reader is applicable for the following car models

Digimaster 3 workable market and cars: Europe, America, Japan and Korea, Motor and Engineering truck

Digimaster 3 airbag resetting for the following brand cars

Digimaster 3 supports audio decoding for the following cars

Digimaster 3 workable market

Digimaster 3 supportted European car list

Digimaster 3 supportted Japanese and Korean car list

Digimaster 3 supportted Japanese and Korean car list

Digimaster iii support Motor type

Digimaster iii program keys for Mercedes Benz and support models

Digimaster iii make key for BMW and workable immobilizer type, D3 program ECU for BMW and
supported chip type

Digimaster iii-please select the operation type: File, IC Read, CPU Program and Signal Generator

Digimaster iii supported Citroen type

Kindly Note
All digimaster 3 has already been registered before shipped out. So no need register again. Customer who want buy digimaster 3 please do have basic knowleage about chip desoldering.Techinical question about DIGIMASTER III, please check our techinical service next to the description.