Launch X431 CRP123X vs. CRP129X vs. CRP919X vs. CRP919X BT

Launch X431 CRP123X vs. CRP129X vs. CRP919X vs. CRP919X BT 

What are the differences between Launch X431 CRP123X, CRP129X, CRP919X & CRP919X BT diagnostic tools? Here we’ve compared them in price, hardware configuration, and software features in detail, hoping to help a lot.

x431 crp919x bt

x431 crp919x bt

1. CRP123X is the cheapest while CRP919X/CRP919X BT are the most valuable.
2. X431 CRP919X/CRP919X BT supports more service functions(31 kinds) and vehicle brands(100+) than others.
3. X431 CRP919X/CRP919X BT supports full system diagnosis, bi-directional control, active test, hidden/modification, coding, and FCA secure gateway while other tools cannot.
4. Only CRP919X BT supports wireless connection via Bluetooth.
5. Only CRP919 can support CAN-FD/DoIP meanwhile.

In general, Launch CRP123X is the most affordable for beginners. Launch CRP919X/CRP919X BT are coming with better hardware and more diagnostic features for experienced mechanics. Customers can select according to their actual budget and functional needs.

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