LAUNCH Easydiag 3.0 Plus Bluetooth full OBDII generic code reader/scanner running with Android or IOS features in automotive diagnostics, operational data query, vehicle maintenance, data and information sharing. Easydiag 3.0 Plus communicate with the vehicle by the Bluetooth connector (DBScar connector).
Most people prefer EasyDiag 3.0 Plus to a one-to-one kit is because when they change their car in the future, all they need to do is to buy the software for their next car instead of buying a brand new diagnostic kit.
Compared with LAUNCH Easydiag 2.0 Plus, Easydiag 3.0 Plus is better in the following aspects.
Launch Easydiag 3.0 Plus Android / IOS APP free download:
The EasyDiag app is free to download in Android Play Store.
Step 1: Turn on your Android Smart Device.
Step 2: Go into the Google or Android Play Store (Google Play):
Google Play can be found in the following url as well: .
Step: 3: Input the keyword “Easy Diag” in the search bar and then click the Easy Diag software icon to download.
LAUNCH Easydiag 3.0 Plus VS LAUNCH Easydiag 3.0:
LAUNCH Easydiag 3.0 Plus includes 2 free vehicles’ software + DEMO + EOBD
LAUNCH Easydiag 3.0 includes hardware+ EOBD+ DEMO
LAUNCH Easydiag 2.0 Plus VS LAUNCH Easydiag 2.0:
LAUNCH Easydiag 2.0 Plus includes 2 free vehicles’ software + DEMO + EOBD
LAUNCH Easydiag 2.0 includes hardware+ EOBD+ DEMO
Notice: Demo and EOBD also belong to one of the car model. if you downloaded Demo and EOBD first, then you cannot download other car brand software for free, we suggest you download the car software you need first, then download Demo and EOBD for free.