X431 Pro3 ACE vs X431 Pro3 V5.0 vs X431 PRO3S+ V5.0 vs X431 PRO3 APEX vx X431 PRO TT vs X431 PRO DYNO
We received a request from one of our customers. SO here we make a comparison among these new Launch X431 tablets with DBscar VII adapter.
In Sum:
Pro TT and Pro Dyno are 8 inch tablets, Pro3 ACE, Apex,Pro3 V5 and Pros3+ V5 are 10 inch tablets.
All of these come with DBScar VII Bluetooth connector .Support CAN FD and DOIP protocol(DOIP requires a DOIP cable)
They all cannot do online programming (no smartlink VCI)
Pro TT and Pro Dyno 8 inch tablet are not compatible with heavry duty modules
Pro TT and Pro Dyno do not support Topology Mapping and others .
The new Pro3 V5.0(aka V+ V5.0) now shares the same functions as Pro3s+ V5.0. Only appearance difference.