Considering some regular users are finding low cost working VIDA DICE 2014D VOLVO Diagnostic Tool, engineer developed and tested working fine, see details as follows.
Item No. SP170-1, Super Volvo Dice Pro+ 2014D, €69+ shipping cost, €22 lower than Item No.SP170 which sales for €88.
item No. SP21-C, 2014D VIDA DICE Diagnostic Tool, €133 +free shipping by express without tax.
PC board: reading following PC board, you will visually judge the quality of low cost the VIDA DICE 2014D.
PC board Display:
How to install and use 2014D VOLVO VIDA DICE Diagnostic Tool?
Requirement on computer:
step 1:It must be windows 7
step 2:It need to be Internet Explorer 8
step 3:Computer memory need over 2GRAM
step 4:C:// must have 40GB space
step 5:Software must install on C://
step 6:It must be NTFS format