2014D VOLVO VIDA DICE Diagnostic Tool all Details

Considering some regular users are finding low cost working VIDA DICE 2014D VOLVO Diagnostic Tool, carobd.de engineer developed and tested working fine, see details as follows.

Item No. SP170-1, Super Volvo Dice Pro+ 2014D, €69+ shipping cost, €22 lower than Item No.SP170 which sales for €88.


item No. SP21-C, 2014D VIDA DICE Diagnostic Tool, €133 +free shipping by express without tax.


PC board: reading following PC board, you will visually judge the quality of low cost the VIDA DICE 2014D.

PC board Display:



How to install and use 2014D VOLVO VIDA DICE Diagnostic Tool?

Requirement on computer:

step 1:It must be windows 7
step 2:It need to be Internet Explorer 8
step 3:Computer memory need over 2GRAM
step 4:C:// must have 40GB space
step 5:Software must install on C://
step 6:It must be NTFS format